By 2021, only 65% of households in Bonheiden will be connected to the sewerage network. Although the municipality is busy constructing sewers, efforts in preparation for these works are not very visible.
To improve surface water quality in anticipation of the new sewage network, Pidpa initiated a pilot project in Bonheiden. They enlisted the help of Liquisens for an innovative solution.
Due to the lack of sewers, the wastewater of dozens of families in Bonheiden ends up (through a septic tank or not) in canals and streams. To improve surface water quality, Liquisens activated families’ septic tanks by applying 100% natural microorganisms through their toilets.
These “good” bacteria compete with the existing bacteria in the wastewater. Through smart sensors, the effect on water quality in the canals will be measured and monitored. In addition, an independent lab will be called in to assess the water quality.
Source: RTV
Initial measurements and samples taken after the start of the project show that water quality has already improved significantly. For example, the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water dropped by about 80%. By reducing pollution, more oxygen is also returned to the water.
This improvement in surface water quality translates into clearer water and less odor pollution, among other things. Because of the success of the project, we are currently looking at how to scale it up in 2022.
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